Just a short update now, to let you know what`s up: So far, I made it to Riga on the Via Baltica. Crazy days, last thursday I was still in Bialowieza, in Poland. The forest is amazing, wonderful: full of oxygen, full of power: You come out of there refreshed, as weird as this might sound. If you get the chance, I think visiting the Orlowka area is well worth the money it costs.
I spent the last night in a five penny mostel (thanks Ilmari for the excellent word:) outside Riga. Best place ever: Big portions of inexpensive food, cheap prices, a DVD player for watching lousy movies in the room - what else could you wish for? But now, there is still 300+ kilometers to go before Tallinn, I think I will return to the endless kilometers of Via Baltica. Riding there is an exercise in living in the moment - as the road stays the same, kilometer after kilometer, day after day, it is no good wishing you`d are already be there, that the day would soon end, that you`d already be at home, or still in the beautiful mountains that you`ve already left behind - if you do any of these, it will become impossible to ride one more meter. So, Event Horizon out: I will update a couple of more photos and some conclusions of the trip when I get home.
Oh, one more thing: Don`t forget the home-coming party on Saturday! Ask for more information here - if I don`t have your e-mail address, send it to me, or send me a text message for more details.
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